Tour Cameroon (TourCMR), 11 astonishing benefits of this Cameroon’s own Travel Guide App

TourCMR is the first of its kind Travel Guide App in Cameroon which is fully focused on changing the face of Tourism in Cameroon and exposing the Cameroon culture and heritage to a wider audience using the appropriate digital approaches. We are focused on giving Cameroon the spot it deserves in the tourism sector by fully exposing the different sites to countries all around the World and bringing more people to Cameroon. TourCMR is Cameroon’s own social Media for touristic sites which is aimed at exposing the touristic potentials of Cameroon.

It is a well-structured guide to all the touristic sites available in Cameroon making it easy for tourists to find and visit touristic attractions in any part of the Country. This app contains touristic sites classified under all the different towns in Cameroon with accurate descriptions, cost estimates, and directions on how to get to each touristic site. It as well helps tourists find hotels and restaurants near each touristic site. The platform as well has an interactive section that enables people to review their experience on touristic sites they visit. 

With the rapid increase in the usage of smartphones around the World, TourCMR brings essential and accurate information to the fingerprints of all travel lovers. It will increase the number of tourists visiting the country as the beautiful attractions from all over the country will be at the fingerprints of users all around the world especially during the African Nations Cup where Cameroon is expected to host more than 8000 foreigners. Our goal is to spread the Cameroon culture all around the world and increase the number of tourist visitors to Cameroon by 40% before the end of 2022.

1. Increase the number of Tourist and revenue from Tourism.

We are not only focused on receiving tourists but also attracting visitors from all parts of the World as our app is fully available in 172 countries both on Android and IOS. Our travel Guide App provides tourists with a well-structured guide that has touristic sites classified under all the different towns in Cameroon with accurate descriptions, cost estimates, and directions on how to get to each touristic site. This will go a long way to increase the revenue generated from tourism in the country which will later be used to meet up some conditions to better this sector in Cameroon.

2. Promoting Tourism During International Events Such as CAN-2022.

Coupe d’Afrique des Nations, also referred to as AFCON, brings together 24 Nations in Africa together and fortunately, 2022 is Cameroon’s turn to host the Games. With more than 10000 spectators expected for matches, this is a golden opportunity to tell the story of Cameroon Culture and heritage using the TourCMR App. This competition is a great way to attract tourists to the country not just for the competition but to enable them to explore the beauty of a country full of the richest cultures that could be found in Africa. With more than 99% of tourists having a smartphone, TourCMR will bring the Cameroon Culture and Heritage to their smartphones.

The App is fully structured to providing tourist with the best travel experience they can get in any part of the country. Speaking over 200 ethnic dialects Cameroon Stands out as one of the most diverse cultural countries in the world today thus it will be a great way to show and prove our diversity and use this as a measure for social inclusion and unity which all Cameroonians do live in. The experience During AFCON will be an exciting one for all tourists who will visit the country especially using the TourCMR mobile application which will offer visitors everything they need to fully explore the beauty of Cameroon.

3. Assisting in the incessant fight against COVID 19 through effective sensitization.

This app has a push notification feature that enables us to send out important information to all tourists with just as easy as two (02) clicks. Effective sensitization in especially during the Covid19 Pandemic is very important, TourCMR guarantees the empirical transfer of essential information to everyone who has the app installed. During the upcoming CAN 2022, this will enable direct communication with both locals and visitors so as to easily pass out relevant and vital information to everyone. For example, this application was used to constantly pass COVID-19 awareness messages to more than 1000+ active users during CHAN 2021 and ensured effective communication sensitization messages to both Cameroon citizens and visitors who came in and had the app on their mobile phones.

4. Promote Cameroon Culture and Heritage.

From the North to the South across the West through East, Cameroon is one nation with more than 100 ethnic groups sharing at least 250 different languages, traditional meals, traditional outfits, and moral behaviors. This mobile app will contain descriptions about all the touristic sites in Cameroon which will promote the Cameroonian culture and heritage to users all across the world. The app also has a blog section which makes it easier to share insights, news, and any related data about the beauty of Cameroon culture and Heritage.

5. Help Tourist Plan Ahead of Time.

With a well-structured tour guide app with touristic sites classified under the different towns in Cameroon with an accurate description, directions, and cost estimates of getting to every site. TourCMR will provide tourists with enough detailed information about all the touristic sites in the Country and help them plan their trip ahead of time as they will know exactly where they are going, lodging, and transport cost to the sites.

6. Gain statistical data.

As of now, there is a less digital medium of collecting information of how many people visit Cameroon and the experience they get but with the data collected using the TourCMR app including the names, country of origin, and some other personal details, we will be able to have accurate statistical data about the tourist visiting the country. We will have relevant personal information about them like their names, emails, and residence which can be used for strategic planning. This app has a feedback section which enables the tourist to share their views about their experiences on the touristic sites visited which makes it easier for other tourists to make decisions on which sites best fit their search.

7. Find Nearby Hotels and Restaurants.

From the words of the head of state “Cameroon is a hospitable nation full of diversity and cultures which makes it a unique country” TourCMR brings out this diversity and hospitality to the fingerprints of all tourists using the Application. TourCMR has everything any tourist visiting the country will need during their stay. It makes it easy for tourists to find nearby hotels and restaurants around every touristic site where they can lodge and enjoy the beauty of their touristic destination in one place. Let us use this opportunity of hosting CAN 2022 to express our legendary hospitality to our Visitors who will make a trip for the CAN games using the TourCMR App.

8. Reduce Theft and Scams.

With TourCMR, there will be no need for a third-party guide to touristic sites, with just your mobile phone you can arrive at the sites while avoiding rubbery and scams. TourCMR works with Maps and Routes to give you the guide to which ever site you are willing to visit with accurate descriptions, directions, and cost estimates on how to get to each touristic site from the Airport, it will prevent tourist from being misguided by people in the country as they will have an idea about the directions to the touristic sites. This will as well reduce the spread of wrong information.

9. Use for Advertisement.

TourCMR being Cameroon’s own fully customized travel guide App, will serve as the best medium for Cameroon to showcase and brand whatever products or services they have to the highest audience possible. TourCMR is a push notification feature that enables you to send information to any number of users in the App in just a few seconds. It is equally an in-build Ads system for running customized Ads within the App.

10. Boost Cameroon’s Image and attract foreign investments.

This mobile app will put Cameroon on the frontline as one of the best tourist destinations due to the fact that Cameroon will be seen as one of the countries with a well-structured approach to tourism. Tourists who visit Cameroon will be able to have a good experience thus after their visit they may want to come back and set up businesses, companies, and many more that will employ Cameroonians and reduce the rate of unemployment within the country and enhance development which is in line with the President’s 2035 vision of Emergence.

11. Promote Local Tourism within the Country.

Many citizens within the country live in  remote areas having little knowledge about the features within their Country, some even travel out to different countries simply because they don’t realize Cameroon has what they are interested in seeing, all this is due to a lack of A structured approach towards tourism which TourCMR is bringing. This will enable the inhabitants including students of Cameroon to have adequate descriptions of every touristic site making it easier for them to identify and visit the touristic sites for school-based trips otherwise leisure.

These are some of the benefits of the TourCMR App amongst others. The TourCMR App has lots of other interesting feature which are good for exploring the beauty of Cameroon. Like Pemwoya Bryan the Founder of TourCMR says “TourCMR is in the ring to save the Cameroon culture and Heritage”. The App is fully Available in both English and French versions on Google and App store. Take some time off and explore the beauty of Cameroon with your number one Travel Guide App.

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