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Plan Your Trip to Cameroon Today

Cameroon's first bilingual travel guide App Approved and Endorsed by the Minister of State, Minister of Tourism and Leisure as the Official travel guide for Cameroon, and the Official travel guide App for the Total Energies African Cup of Nations 2021.

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Get access to everything you need to know about the beauty of Cameroon with just a few clicks.

The TourCMR App gives you access to everything you need to know about the beauty of Cameroon. We aim at boosting your overall travel experience to Cameroon, from travel planning to take a trip to any tourist site of your choice. Our app lets you make the best travel decisions to Cameroon – whether you’re planning or on the go.

Trusted all over Cameroon by a wide range of travelers.

Discover what to do, where to stay, and where to eat based on your selected site and guidance from other travelers. The TourCMR App provides you with tourist sites from all over Cameron that are classified under the different towns with descriptions, directions, and cost estimates for each site.

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We believe in giving you the best user experience

We Have Everything You Need to feel at home and explore the natural beauty of Cameroon!

The most accurate and reliable source of travel information.

We provide you with accurate information about tourist destinations in Cameroon directly from the Ministry of Tourism and Leisures alongside images, videos, and other travel-related stuff all in one place.

Explore Nearby Places

You will find the best sites to visit for each town tourist site along with nearby hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, banks, tour agencies, etc. in just a few clicks around each town and around every tourist site in Cameroon.

Easy Access to everything you need.

We use the various towns in Cameroon such as Yaounde, Douala, Buea, etc. as categories to classify the different tourist sites to help you easily search and locate sites in the different parts of the Country.

Realtime Travel Guide

Our App provides you with a Map view between source & destination, the distance between the two places, and step-by-step travel guides for tourist sites on the app. You as well have a real-time travel guide with distance and time to get to any site on the App.

Get important insights into the history and culture of Cameroon.

Our blog section will provide you with articles about the history and culture of Cameroon. The blog section is interactive as it enables you to read, comment save your favorite articles.

We care about your safety and security

You will get access to information about all foreign embassies in Cameroon along with emergency contact details for coronavirus, ambulance, and police contacts in case of any emergency.

Simple & User-Friendly User Interface.

Loading animations are available on all screens which give users a more pleasing and smooth experience on data loading time.

Cameroon's Travel Guide App

Get access to the most advanced and recommended guide for exploring tourist sites in Cameroon. You find what you want within the shortest time in just a few clicks. No matter what type of trip you’re looking to take to Cameroon, the TourCMR app makes planning easy and guides you to that site. You are saved from unexpected surprises. Get our App on either Play store or Appstore and dive right into exploring the beauty and diversity of Cameroon.

Let's get you going

All your travel worries are over with the TourCMR App. You just need to follow these simple steps and you’re good to go


Download the app

Our App is a bilingual App available for download on both Google PlayStore and Appstore. All you need to do is download the App, select your preferred language and everything is set to go.


Create an Account

The Signup process is as easy as one click. Just use either our Google Sign In, Apple Sign in for iOS, or skip sign-in feature where you can access the app without signing in.


Start Exploring

Immediately you are done signing up, our onboarding screens welcome you to the App and you can start planning your tour trip to Cameroon. Everything is ready for you to start exploring.


Register your entity on TourCMR Now.

All Hotels, Restaurants, Banks, Guest House, Supermarkets or Tour Agencies pay to feature on the TourCMR App. We have different packages for all these different service providers, just send us an email of interest or call to book an appointment so we can come and get your institution registered on the official travel guide App for Cameroon. This is the best medium to easily reach your target clients. You can as well visit our service provider registration page to access information about the different steps of registration. Rush and register now because spots are being bought on a daily.

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Frequently asked questions

How can I get the TourCMR App?

The TourCMR App is available on both Google Play store and Apple Appstore. Just search the App Name or click the links available on our Home Page to get the Application

Is the App Available in just one Language?

Of course not, the TourCMR App has a multi-language support feature, fully bilingual Application. All you need to do is select your preferred language and everything will automatically be translated for you.

How Accurate is the Information available on the TourCMR App?

TourCMR is aimed at solving the problem of random information about tourist destinations in Cameroon and that’s why we provide you with accurate first-hand information about tourist destinations in Cameroon directly from the Ministry of Tourism and Leisures alongside images, videos, and other travel-related stuff all in one place.

How beneficial is this App to me?

The TourCMR App is the most structured and organized App which provides you with accurate and essential information about tourist destinations in Cameroon. No matter what type of trip you’re looking to take to Cameroon, the TourCMR app makes planning easy and guides you to that site. You are saved from unexpected surprises. It has lots of amazing features in stock for you and guess what? You have access to all this for FREE

5. How can I feature my Hotel, Restaurant, Bank, Guest House, Supermarket or Tour Agency on the TourCMR App?

We have different packages for all these different service providers, just send us an email of interest or call to book an appointment so we can come and get your institution registered on the official travel guide App for Cameroon. This is the best medium to easily reach your target clients. You can as well visit our service provider registration page to access information about the different steps of registration. The registration is solely done by a TourCMR representative.

Explore the beauty of Cameroon and find nearby hotels, restaurants, guest houses, banks, and supermarkets in no time. Get realtime directions, estimated cost, explore travel blogs & much more.

Let's Get Started

Download the Mobile App Today and start exploring the beauty of Cameroon.

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